USPS Gift Policy

The United States Postal Service allows individuals to give gifts to their mail carriers and other employees. But employees are bound to a limited number of gifts they can legally accept from a customer. Also, there are rules as to what products customers can give their mail carriers as gifts. According to the rules, employees cannot take the below-mentioned items as gifts



-Cash equivalents like gift cards 

Employees can accept gifts worth $20 or less from a customer, per occasion. 

Ethical Code of Conduct 

Since USPS mail carriers are federally adjacent employees, (the Postal Service being an independent agency of the executive branch), USPS mail carriers/other employees have to follow a strict ethical code of conduct. Receiving gifts from customers also comes under the code of conduct. 

Even though USPS employees can’t accept cash or cash equivalents (such as gift cards, which can be easily exchanged for cash) as gifts from customers, they are allowed to receive gifts up to $20 of value. Apart from the above-mentioned gifts, USPS mail carriers also cannot accept gifts of more than $50 value from an individual customer within a year. USPS mail carriers and drivers are also not allowed to accept cash tips from their customers.

That said, these restrictions are imposed on USPS employees because the Postal Service forbids its workers from accepting cash (or cash equivalent) gifts of any type. Thus, gift cards are not also allowed because they can be easily traded for cash, which ultimately violates the rules. 

Substitute Ways to Portray Gratification

Instead of giving money or gift cards as gifts, customers can show their gratitude in a lot of other creative ways. For example, some customers thank their mail carriers for putting out snack baskets that contain chips, sweets, pretzels, and many other eatables. Some customers also place small coolers with sodas and water bottles for their mail carriers, which can prove fruitful in the scorching heat of summers. 

Why Are Money Gifts Banned?

The reason behind the ban on gifts of money, including tips and gift cards, for USPS workers, is a rule that is followed from the basic level to the top of the executive branch. This ban is imposed because there is a possibility that some USPS employees (especially ones at higher offices) may get swayed and greedy after receiving cash gifts. The presence of cash gifts also opens the window of blackmailing people.

That said, this rule is applied to all executive branch employees (under which the Postal Service falls). While some customers might feel that the ban on giving cash/gift cards as gifts is unnecessary, they must understand that the risk of allowing it and providing a breeding ground to criminal activities within the sector is not worth it.  

Alternate Gifts 

Customers always have access to a wide array of different methods through which they can appreciate their mail carriers. Below, we have mentioned some items that customers can gift their mail carriers instead of cash

-Homemade baked goods

-Disposable hand warmers (these can be especially useful during the cold winter months)

-Flowers (worth less than $20, according to the ethical code of conduct)

-Packets of powdered flavour add-ins (these can add a kick of different flavours to water)

-Handmade thank-you cards from customers or their children

-A box of local chocolates (chocolates are one of the most popular gifts of all time)

-Lip balm (can prove very fruitful in locations that majorly witness cold-weather)

-Extra-strength hand lotion or balm (constantly using hand sanitisers and travelling around can dry out skin at a faster rate than usual and thus, hand lotions and balm are considered useful gifts) 

Customers can use any of the above-mentioned items to present as a gift to their USPS mail carriers. Giving gifts shouldn’t be restricted to just cash/gift cards.  

If customers have known their mail carrier for a long time, and have formed a friendly relationship with them, then they can gift their mail carrier gifts like a favourite book or treats for their pets (if the mail carrier has one). However, customers should remember that no matter how friendly they are with their mail carrier, or what the occasion is, gifting alcohol is strictly prohibited. 


USPS mail carriers/other employees are subjected to certain limits as to what gifts they can accept. USPS employees can’t accept the following gifts from customers:



-Cash equivalents like gift cards 

However, USPS employees are allowed to accept gifts worth $20 or less from a customer per occasion, and $50 from a single customer in a year. 

Customers can use any of the alternate gift options mentioned in the article to show their gratitude to their mail carrier, instead of gifting alcohol or cash/gift cards. 

Question1) I want to send mail internationally, what is the best way?

Answer) Postage prices for international mail entirely depend on the weight, shape, dimensions, of the package, and the destination country (country where the package will be delivered). Every country accepts different numbers of maximum weight and size dimensions for a mail product. 

To know the exact cost of sending mail internationally, customers can access the International Price Calculator which is available on the Postal Explorer website (on the home page). Customers must select the country, follow the prompts, and provide the information on their product package, and the available options to the country that they chose will appear. 

Apart from the calculator, the Notice 123 – Price List is also a handy reference tool for calculating all domestic and international shipping costs. In addition, customers can access other information regarding restrictions and extra services of a country in the Individual Country Listings option on the website.

To know the customs requirements of the destination country, customers can access the Customs Form Indicator on the website.