Job Opportunities at The United States Postal Service

Career opportunities provided by USPS range from sales and services to deliver. Availability of job opportunities depends upon the location and variation of the job availability. City Carrier Assistants and PES Sales & Services/Distribution Associates are jobs with high demands. You can locate job opportunities through the official site and apply for them through the same. Procedures regarding posting and applying are quite simple and basic for people who wish to apply for the same.

USPS City Carrier Assistant Job

City Carrier Assistant or a City Mail Carrier Assistant of the USPS is responsible for delivering and receiving mails from businesses and citizens. A City Mail Carrier Assistant is supposed to organize, deliver and collect letters and emails at the right time.

Duties and Responsibilities

Being a City Carrier Assistant, responsibilities of the job come with tasks such as delivering the mail to the right doorstep, as well as collecting the mail from the given addresses while making sure it does not get lost during any of the further processes. 

Other responsibilities include:

Traveling through foot or vehicle for picking up or delivering the mail. Traveling through the work established routes for deliveries and collection of mail. Organizing the given mails in an efficient order for smooth delivery or exchange of carriers. Handling undelivered mails according to the given instructions. Using portable electronic scanners as per instruction. Collection of customs charge and other related ones as per the instruction during the time of delivery. Collecting signatures from the receiver upon the delivery of the mails. Depositing the collected mail in the post office after the whole collection. Checking and correcting the mail addresses by the advertisers on the mail and making sure of correct delivery to the right addresses. Providing a change of address cards and other possible postal forms to the residents upon needs. Reporting important information regarding deliveries or any post office mail letterboxes to the respective supervisors frequently. Working professionally with other employees in the office. Working under different weather ranging from snow to rain.

How to Apply?

Applying for a job at USPS is quite simple. The United States Postal Service offers career choices on its official site at This is the only place where you can apply for the job provided by the service. 

Job opportunities are posted on a daily basis, so you can check for available posts near you quite frequently. After searching for the desired job and post, the candidate can create a profile online and apply for the job. Once applied, you will receive a confirmation mail from USPS regarding the status of your application. 

The next step involves an employment pre-screen assessment conducted by the USPS, after which the authorities will contact you via email. Emails received from are to be considered and responded to within a timely manner by the candidate. Furthermore, details about your performance will be contacted to you by the authority through email. 

Before applying, ensure that you meet the required technical and educational requirements. All the information regarding the job is done via email, so the candidate must check their inbox regularly to make sure they are not losing updates on the same.

Requirements and Training Needed

City Carrier Assistant for the United States Postal Service requires basic educational requirements like a high school diploma or equivalent. In addition, before posting, the candidates must pass the drug screening test and criminal background checks.  

Applicants are expected to attend a written test to evaluate their reading and writing skills, as well as their efficiency in remembering the delivery addresses and procedures well. 

Since a City Carrier Assistant at USPS is required to travel using vehicles with regard to their job duties, candidates must provide a valid driver’s license along with a pass check on their driving record.

Training for the job can be completed during the first month as a City Carrier Assistant. The newly appointed receive training from an experienced City Carrier Assistant employee, helping them to get used to the job as well as learn new techniques.

Salary Expectations

A City Carrier Assistant gets paid about 19.10 dollars per hour, although the total salary received by the person depends upon the location, experience, and the company’s need. Employees can work overtime which provides additional pay. 


City Carrier Assistant is an opportunity for people looking to work indoors and outdoors. The job offers independent and flexible hours of work for great pay. The constant job availability and basic requirements that can be met by anyone make it easier to apply for the job.