To improve the game, Tudge announced “an aggressive list of content and updates planned for the near-term”, including a bunch of Halloween goodies released back on October 30th, and 3 “community packs” that will be released on November 9th, 30th, and sometime in December – the last of which will officially introduce mod support. Also included in the list is a new storyline, “Rage of Demons,” but it apparently does not have an official release date yet.

As much and as long as we’ve labored to launch SCL, this is really just step one, a foundation for an even greater experience we have always intended to improve and expand.

Tudge concludes by assuring fans that there will be more changes and updates to come:

The announcement and a list of each update’s details can be found here.

Updates coming to Sword Coast Legends   Sword Coast Legends - 78