VR game Into the Black is a third-person, virtual reality adventure which is all about teamwork, instinct, and survival. The game takes places during the catastrophic wildfires which swept through Yellowstone National Park in 1988. Players take on the role of a spirit guide which has been sent to help a red fox and grizzly bear that have become trapped and must find their way to safety.

The director and developer behind the game is MA student Naomi Kotler, who has expressed her pleasure in having her game nominated for such awards:

Nik Powell, director at NFTS, also showed his support and applauded the success of the courses students:

The award ceremony, to be held in Los Angeles on November 1st during Unite LA 2016, recognizes developers from all over the Unity community. This year there are 10 categories as well as the Golden Cube award, which is open to all nominations. Into the Black is against 5 other fantastic games in the ‘Best Student Project’ category. The game took this year’s EGX conference, held at the NEC in Birmingham, UK, by storm and proved to be a raging success with those who attended.