Uber Decal

If you are a Uber driver, you may have heard about uber decals or uber stickers that are attached to the front and/or back-sided windows of uber cars. It can help passengers a lot differentiate your pick-up from other vehicles. It also gives you recognition from the surroundings as a uber driver.

What is Uber Decal?

Uber Decal or uber sticker is a type of sticker you often see in cars. You can find it in the back of the window or the front glass of the car. This is basically to help customers find your pick-up car easily as well as to recognize you as a uber driver. It is not that the company needs you to have a decal. But, it is for you and especially for the customers to easily find you. And, as you know, the more you advertise regardless of your services, the more will be your income opportunity. So, this is what is an absolute necessity. The company doesn’t necessarily request you to use their decals. But, some specific state laws request all uber drivers to make a decal must-have.

If there is an uber greenlight hub nearest to your location, you can contact them whether stickers are necessary or not. Visit their center is also a good idea if you want to learn about traffic rules and protocols.

How to get uber decals?

If you are worried about getting a Uber decal, then don’t worry as there are plenty of options out there for you. You can get your decal as completely free of cost as well as paid version. So, everything depends on your mood and how much you can afford for your trade dress. Here both the free and paid stickers are described –

1. Free decals

If you want to get a free decal, you can get Obviously. When you signed up for uber for a driver and meet all the requirements that a driver needs, you can elect to order your free decal directly from their website. You can order a normal adhesive sticker type decal or may choose the printable decal. They provide the decal free of charge for all the drivers. Log in to their website to order it and it will be shipped within some days.

2. Paid version

Now, if you are looking for a more designed and fancier version, you can do so by ordering from many e-commerce websites.

As you know, the most popular platform is the biggest storehouse of all types of decals to satisfy all your needs. You can get different sizes and shapes with customizable options with a price range.

4. Etsy.com

If you want more advanced and elegant shades, you should visit this website. It gives you a wide collection of uber logos and eye-catching stickers. These are best if you can afford a higher price range.

What is the difference between the uber decal and uber Beacon?

Recently, Uber has launched a technology called uber beacon which is thought to be concluded the era of usual decals. It is an advanced form of the decal, where instead of the sticker, drivers install a LED display in the front of the car which helps customers provide necessary details. The drivers can link the device with their smartphone apps. It provides all necessary data a passenger needs like- how much distance is at they are from their destination and other instructions. Currently, the footprint of beacons is only limited to the large cities of the US only, but in foreseeable future, they will be available in most places.


To be wrapped up, while decals are directly not a strict requirement from the company, you may need them as rules and regulations for driving in many cities. And, getting an uber decal is very easy. You can get it for free of cost as well as paid versions are available if you can afford them. Nowadays, even they come in many forms, both removable stickers, and non-removable ones.

Are uber decals removable?

Ans:- Mostly stickers are adhesive and not meant to be removed. But, in recent days removable stickers are also rolling out.

Is uber give decals to all drivers?

Ans:- Uber does not give it to the drivers, instead, you as a driver need to order it from the uber official site to get one for free.