The new system has players automatically learning the appearance of a certain piece of gear and unlocking it in their Wardrobe after it is looted and bound. Then you no longer need to worry about depositing and withdrawing gear into Void Storage and can sell the gear because it’s always going to be there in the Wardrobe, making things a lot more seamless. 

In addition to all of this, players can even access quest reward gear from quests that they have already completed. This even works for rewards that you may not have even selected, but were offered as possible choices upon completing the quest.

The option to hide shoulders is being added to this system as well, adding to the already-existing option to hide helmets and cloaks. Don’t like the massive boulders that your character might have to sport around for a few levels? You’re in the clear! 

World of Warcraft: Legion is scheduled to launch either on or before September 21st, 2016. But you can sign up for beta now!

Transmog changes coming to World of Warcraft  Legion   World of Warcraft - 94Transmog changes coming to World of Warcraft  Legion   World of Warcraft - 26